Uchumi SupermarketUchumi SupermarketUchumi Supermarket
+254 020-80200801-5
off Langata Road
Uchumi SupermarketUchumi SupermarketUchumi Supermarket


Supplier Requirements

Uchumi engages suppliers on merit of their products meeting listing requirements and the needs of our customers and also on suppliers’ ability to meet the listing requirements

Supplier must be registered with the registrar of companies under the provisions of the company Act
Supplier must possess PIN certificate issued by Kenya revenue authority
Supplier must be registered for Value Added Tax and issued with a VAT certificate or Exemption letter.
Supplier should have a good reputation with no record of fraudulent dealings and must maintain high integrity in all business transactions with Uchumi. Supplier should have the capacity to fully supply orders issued by the head office and/or Uchumi branches.
Supplier will be required to fill a Supplier Profile Form and Terms of Trade agreement with Uchumi to formalize the trading contract between the two parties.

Requirements for supply
Products must meet health, safety and standardization requirements as set out by Kenya bureau of Standards and other government regulatory bodies
Product must be properly packaged and/or labeled to appeal to customers and express its attributes
Products must bear valid Bar Codes issued by a recognized Bar coding body.
The product labeling must include the following as minimum requirement such as Brand, Product Name, Manufactures name and country of origin, Expiration date ( for perishable products), Storage instructions ( for perishables or products that deteriorate with time), Ingredients ( for processed products), Bar code and Size (weight, volume, length)

Other Considerations

• Range of similar products in the category
• Prices and profitability of the products
• Target market of the product

• Uchumi shall partner with suppliers and authorize Merchandisers and promoters operations in all its branches. The buying department shall enter into merchandising agreement with the supplier as part of the trading terms and authorize merchandisers an promoters operations by issuing memos to outlet. The memos contain details of the terms and conditions under which the merchandisers and promoters operate.

The supermarket of Choice in East Africa,


Off Nanyuki Road (Industrial Area)
(7am - 08 pm)